Monday, March 21, 2016

Rescue your foundation cake

Did you ever experienced that your newly bought foundation cake cracked? Here's the tips to rescue it with just a few simple steps! 

My bff, Michelle got me this petite foundation cake which is super user friendly, so I always carry it with me and use it all the time. But one day, it just cracked like this and I can't even recall when did I drop it. 

I really like it and this can only bought from Thailand. So, no doubt, I am going to do a magic on it.

What you need to do is place a piece of tissue paper on top of it, and use any hard item to press on it, so that the whole foundation cake can break evenly. 

Basically, it will look like this after you break it. 

Then, use a brush or any tools to gather the powder at the center of the foundation holder, place a tissue paper again and put the foundation puff on it, and give a little pressure on it. Using the foundation puff to make sure the powder is in shape. 

This is it! Although it doesn't look exactly the same like the newly bought one, but at least u can still use it like a new one! 

So, remember to rescue your foundation cake by yourself if so happen any injury happened to it instead of throw away! 

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