Monday, June 2, 2014


Look back to my last blog post and it was published in MAY and now is already JUNE. I just have to admit my time is not really enough. Work and study occupied most of my time recently, assignment due date all approaching, exam coming, working, hosting and not forget my extra class on Saturday! Time for friends is lesser and lesser. I can't live without friend, although sometimes I like to be alone, but I always think friend is very important to me. I can share my feeling with them, I can be who I'm in front of them,I can talk without thinking and they won't judge me... But before that, you have to choose your friend wisely and make sure who is ur true friend before giving out ur heart, not everyone can accept the true side (naked soul) of a person. 

Something really bad happened last year, it might be a small case for others, but at least it was really bad for me, and it takes me lots of time to get heal, and I'm now still in the healing process. You will never know the feeling of being betrayed until you yourself experience it. The persons meant the world to you turn into a cold blooded person like you never know before is horrible. When you knw that everything is just about acting and lying, ya, heart broken, into pieces. Who to blame? Me myself, for being dumb.

I always tell myself time will make things alright, I always believe me myself can overcome it. Until now, I still choose to believe. Even it's hard and seem like forget is impossible. Memories always attack me, whenever I heard the song of us, the places we use to go together, the topic we use to be so interested with, and sometimes I just think of you out of sudden. I miss something. Either you or just memory. 

I guess you are doing well , because you hv never been alone all this while. 

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