Wednesday, March 12, 2014

{Sponsored post} KOSÉ workshop~ SEKKISEI Lotion Mask

Hi love...Today I am going to share you a beauty post! The main character of this post will be the bottle of "MAGIC WATER" I am holding in the picture.... Thanks KOSÉ and Nuffnang for having me there to attend the workshop! Wonder what's about the workshop? Keep scrolling down then you will know.....

The event was held in Pavilion' shopper room. All bloggers are gathered, after registration done ,we get seated and ready to experience the KOSÉ beauty product.

All these products are for us to try on. We can try on these one by one to experience the texture and how it feel after applying on our skin. 

Before trying on the product, we are asked to remove our makeup. The beautician is guiding us the correct way to remove our make up effectively with some simple massaging. Daphne is the model and she owned flawless skin...

We are using this KOSÉ remover cream. Take a cherry size amount and separate it into 2, equally use them on you forehead, cheek, chin and nose. Massage gently all over your face in a circular motion, from bottom to top. With just simple motion, the cream will bring away the foundation and makeup on your face. After that, just need to wipe it off with wet cotton.

The texture of the cream is very soft. It is very gentle to our skin and it is not oily while it can remove makeup very well. Feel refreshing after using it to remove makeup.

 Everyone is busying on removing makeup. 

Next, will be featuring the star product ------ SEKKISEI Lotion 

What's the different between toner and lotion? Lotion has a lighter texture which will minimize your pores but it might make your skin thinner if the way of using it is not suitable. While lotion has thicker texture and it contain more water will give hydration to our skin. 

This time, KOSÉ bring us something new! Now, lotion is no more just a lotion, but it can turn into a mask... 

Put in the cutie little mask into the lotion's bottle cap, then pour in the lotion until it reaches the line. You can see the mask is absorbing the lotion and expanding. Wait for around10 seconds for the mask to completely absorb the lotion then it is ready to pamper your face. 

Remember to open the mask carefully to avoid from broken because it is a very thin piece. Place it on your face for 10 minutes. Not more than or less than will be the best for the lotion mask to bring in water to your skin and also for a instant whitening effect. This mask can be apply EVERYDAY!

After applying the mask, you can feel your skin is fresh and hydrated. When you touch it, it is much more softer. Meanwhile, looking into the mirror, skin looks brighter. Really can't believe in just a 10 minutes time, lotion mask can do such a magic change on our skin. I think all the bloggers are also surprise with the effect after using the lotion mask. Seriously, it is awesome. 

~Benefits ~

~0 pores~

KOSÉ SEKKISEI lotion mask is a multi funcion mask which can help us to  creates fine-textured, hydrated “snow-white” skin. With just a bottle of it and there are so many benefits.... Try it and you will definitely fall in love with it. 

The main ingredients of this lotion is all from oriental plant extracts
 Coix Seed Extract effects suchs as increased metabolism, whitening, moisturization and prevention of skin roughness.

Angelica Extract have disinfectant, whitening and moisturizing effects.

Melothria (White Lotus) extract suppress melanin production has whitening effects on the skin.

After removing the mask, we apply this emulsion to our skin to help on better hydration. Just 1-2 pumps and apply it all over our face. 

After all the cleaning and pampered by the lotion mask and emulsion, it's time for us to put on a thin layer of BB Cream! 

Dobashi San, the makeup artist from Japan is doing demo for us on how to do a simple natural makeup with the BB Cream.

Squeeze a small coin size of BB cream and spread it on your face evenly. The texture is very thin and light, it looks very natural after applying on face. The coverage is average, you can apply for the second time at those places you wish to cover.

Can see the different? Left is after applying and right is before applying. The BB cream really look natural after applying on face, you can put on loose powder after that to set the makeup.

Really glad to join this workshop. Not only gaining knowledge on take care of my skin, but also get to try on all these awesome product by KOSÉ.

SEKKISEI Lotion 200ml - RM170

SEKKISEI Lotion 360ml - RM260

Available in every KOSE counters~~ go grab one to pamper your skin :)

The makeup artist looks like Korean more than Japaneses.. and he look like Vanness Wu right? 

Bring my besties along with me to the event... They enjoyed the event so much like I do.Hopefully we can attend more event together next time. 

With all the bloggers. 

KOSE will also running a " Ms Cinderella Contest ". Check out what's that about.

Want to try on this mask? Good news for you~~~ with just answer 2 simple questions, you can win away this KOSE lotion mask. Every pack contain 2 pieces of mask.

- What are the 3 main ingredients used in KOSE Sekkisei Lotion Mask?

- Name one of the benefits of the KOSE Sekkisei Lotion Mask. (Any 1 out of the 9 benefits)

Leave your answer either on my FB comment box of this post or the comment box in my blog with your email ... this contest will only open for 1 months (12th March till 12th April) ... Try your luck because there will be a few winners .... Good luck! 

For more information>


  1. 1. Angelica root extract, Coix seed extract, Melothria root extract.
    2. Improves texture of skin.

  2. Hello Stephy :D

    Q1: Angelica Extract, Coixseed Extract and Melothria (White Lotus) Extract
    Q2: Moisturizing


  3. 1. - Angelica Root Extract
    - Coix Seed Extract
    - Melothria Root Extract
    2. Relaxing

    Thank you :)

  4. 1) Coixseed Extract ,Angelica Extract, and Melothria (White Lotus) Extract
    2) Whitening


  5. 1. What are the 3 main ingredients used in KOSE Sekkisei Lotion Mask?
    Coix seed extracts, angelica extracts, and melothria (white lotus) extracts

    2. Name one of the benefits of the KOSE Sekkisei Lotion Mask. (Any 1 out of the 9 benefits)

  6. 1) Coix Seed Extract, Angelica Extract and Melothria (White Lotus) extract.
    2) 0 pores


  7. 1. Coix Seed Extract, Angelica Extract and Melothria (white lotus) Extract
    2. Whitening

    Kai Sing

  8. 1) Coixseed Extract ,Angelica Extract, and Melothria (White Lotus) Extract
    2) Whitening

    Email add:

  9. 1) Coixseed Extract ,Angelica Extract, and Melothria (White Lotus) Extract
    2) Whitening

    email add:

  10. hi milkipie

    1) Coixseed Extract ,Angelica Extract, and Melothria (White Lotus) Extract
    2) Whitening

    email add:

  11. 1) Coixseed Extract ,Angelica Extract, and Melothria (White Lotus) Extract
    2) Whitening

    email add:

  12. 1) Coixseed Extract ,Angelica Extract, and Melothria (White Lotus) Extract
    2) Whitening

  13. 1. What are the 3 main ingredients used in KOSE Sekkisei Lotion Mask?
    Answer :Coixseed extract, Angelica extract and Melothria extract.
    2. Name one of the nine benefits of the KOSE Sekkisei Lotion Mask.
    Answer : fine textured, hydrated and translucent skin

    Email :

  14. 1. What are the 3 main ingredients used in KOSE Sekkisei Lotion Mask?
    Answer :Coixseed extract, Angelica extract and Melothria extract.
    2. Name one of the nine benefits of the KOSE Sekkisei Lotion Mask.
    Answer : fine textured, hydrated and translucent skin


  15. Hello Stephy! wanna try out KOSE's products since forever! hope to get this =) thanks.

    Answer 1: coix seed , angelica, melothria
    Answer 2: Penetration

    Email :
